Sally Sooalo

Investment Advisor & Negotiator

03 9702 8222

Speaking in a matter-of-fact way, it takes a certain kind of person to be a property manager. But thankfully for you, taking care of properties long after the deal has been done is something that Sally was born to do.
It is the variety in the day-to-day which keeps her pumping. Starting the day with the urgent matters means no two begin the same, so yours can continue as scheduled. Direct. Responsive. Diligent. She’s calling the shots before calling you with the outcome.
Her extensive knowledge in her area of expertise is evident. She fully appreciates owner concerns pertaining to all property management matters. She has established with our existing clients a reputation for having solid property management skills and a high standard of negotiation and communication skills. Sally has personal interest in current market trends so will be actively aware of what your investment will achieve in the current market place at any given time.
